Video: “'SpongeBob SquarePants' Theme Song...” from YouTube..
one eternity time card later, i've seemingly found identity, scuba diving into the depths of who
i am. a little earth, i realized. i am important, but not indispensable. i am a baby planet who lives in a much bigger planet. i am a body of water in a body of water – seventy percent water within and seventy percent water without. i am an earth needing rain. and wanting it. yet never crying a single drop. i am a soil learning to savor love and kindness in sour seasons and a ripe pineapple in sweet ones. a farmer forever liable to erase progress, to destroy harvest, to stumble, to blunder. yes, i am a person and a little earth, i realized. a baby planet. i am seventy percent water like the earth i inhabit. coincidence? perhaps. or yet another metaphor in the universe's ever-wading sea of metaphors. one eternity time card later, in the face of dirty plates, i see myself. a sponge, bob- bing in a sink of dishwater. a diffusion of life from head to hem of my hipsteresque square pants. |
Isaac Akanmu is a Nigerian American from Staten Island, NY. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Posit Journal, Rejection Letters, Ekstasis Magazine, Lammergeier Magazine, and Encounters Magazine. He lives in Charlotte, NC. Visit Isaac at and on social media (@insteadofisaac).